Bernie Sanders’ COVID-19 Town Hall Meeting/Pressure Congress

Editor’s Note: I just watched this Town Hall meeting (see below) hosted by Senator Bernie Sanders on  COVID-19 with Senator Elizabeth Warren, Representative Pramila Jayapal, and Representative Mark Pocan.  This is a call to put pressure on Congress  as well as a discussion of what needs to be done given the glaring medical, social and economic problems we have as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Senator Warren  suggests  to get started, we Tweet: #EssentialWorkers to put pressure on Congress to include these workers in the next stimulus bill. They are putting their lives on the line to provide for the rest of us.

We as a nation are falling way behind what other developed countries are doing to provide for their people.  The times are such that systemic inequalities have reared their heads more than ever.  Deep changes such as Medicare 4 All and wages  for workers need to be provided until (if not beyond) when the pandemic is actually over, rather than risk everyone’s lives having to go back to work too soon. We as a people need to  demand these and other basic changes from Congress to create a more equitable society. Let them know we are dissatisfied, worried, and angry they have provided for the 1% from our taxes, while giving crumbs to the rest of us!

So many of us are sheltering  in place; this is a perfect time to make our voices  heard. We need to tweet, get on the phone, email our State and Congressional Senators and Representatives. Rattle their cage, make things happen! Let them know we are upset. We do not want the USA to  become a poverty stricken third world country–which it very well may become if we do not let our voices be heard.


Categories: contact Congress, Social and Political Commentary COVID-19, Social and Political Town Hall Meeting Bernie Sanders

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